Top 8 SEO trends for 2024 

SEO trends
Tolls and Notes about SEO concept on blackboard

In the past five years, search engine optimization (SEO) has seen a lot of change. The landscape is constantly shifting, and it’s essential to stay up to date on the most current trends to ensure that your content reaches the right people at the right time.

With the end of 2022, it’s time to consider what SEO trends will be hot in 2024. These are the top SEO trends you need to know about to succeed in the world of search engine optimization:

  1. Improve Page Experience

The page experience ensures your users have an engaging and satisfying time on your site. It’s about ensuring they have a positive experience when they visit, complete their goals, and return to the site. That’s why you must improve your page experience, as it’s one of the SEO trends for 2024.

A good user experience will:

  1. Get you more traffic from search engines because Google prefers sites that offer a great user experience and rewards them with higher rankings in the SERPs;
  1. Increase conversions as good UX can help convert more visitors into customers, which makes it easier for you to make money from your website;
  1. Increase customer loyalty as people are more likely to return if they had a positive experience on your site.

A page experience is a set of actions that a user takes on a website during their visit. This can include several different tasks and interactions, but the goal is to make it as seamless as possible for the user to do what they want. If you’d like to see how you’re performing in terms of page experience, make sure to try session replay tools since they allow you to watch how your visitors interact with different elements on your website. 

  1. AI-Driven Content Writing

AI-Driven content writing refers to using artificial intelligence and AI Writing Assistant Software to write content for your website. AI-driven content writing is the latest trend in SEO, and it’s predicted to be one of the most effective ways for businesses to increase their brand engagement, traffic and sales.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a computer science field that studies how to make computers do things that are normally thought of as requiring human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages.

The benefits of AI-driven content writing include the following:

  • Improved Accuracy: AI can analyze thousands of data points in seconds and provide accurate insights based on this data. This provides you with better quality content, which will help your website rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs);
  • Increased Speed: AI can also write thousands of words per hour without human interference or fatigue, making it highly efficient at quickly creating high volumes of content;
  • Increased Consistency: The best AI writing tools will always produce consistent results regardless of who’s using it, so you don’t have to worry about having multiple writers working on your website at once or trying to get them to.

This type of AI SEO software can be used in many different ways, but its primary purpose is to generate new content for your website by using algorithms that mimic human behavior regarding language, tone, style, and other factors.

  1. Integrate Video Content

Video has become a powerful tool for brand marketing and selling products and services online. It’s also an excellent way to engage with customers and increase brand awareness.

You need to have an effective video strategy to achieve these goals. But how do you create high-quality videos that are both engaging and appealing to consumers? 

Here are some tips on how to integrate video content into your digital marketing strategy:

  1. Use content marketing strategies to create to create relevant videos based on your target audience’s needs and interests. You can use pre-made video templates to streamline your video creation process. You can use pre-made video temeplates to streamline your video creation process.
  1. Create videos that help people solve problems or answer questions by providing information on specific topics related to your industry niche;
  1. Include hyperlinks in your videos so viewers can access additional resources they may find helpful when they’re done watching your content.

Video content is one of the most effective ways to reach your audience. It’s easy to digest and can be viewed on any device, making it an excellent choice for anyone looking to expand their reach.

Video content works best when it’s part of a larger strategy that includes other elements, such as text and images. The more ways you can connect with your audience, the better.

  1. Link Building Is a Must

Link building is a must in SEO as it helps you rank your website higher on search engines. It also helps in boosting your website traffic.

Link building can be done in different ways, via cold emailing or LinkedIn prospecting, with techniques such as guest blogging, social media sharing, forum posting, and press releases. For social media sharing, one can create social media posting schedule to get the most out of it.

  1. Long-Tail Keywords in SERPs

Long-tail keywords refer to search terms with three or more words. These are usually less competitive than short-tail ones because they have a lower search volume.

The best example would be “best SEO consultant in London” vs. “SEO consultant.” The latter is more competitive since it has fewer searches than the former.

In addition to having fewer searches, long-tail keywords tend to convert more than short ones. This is because they’re more specific and meaningful to users looking for something specific rather than general things like restaurants or hotels.

  1. Competitor Analysis

Competitor analysis is one of the most important SEO trends for 2024. And there are a few reasons why it’ll remain popular in future years.

Competition analysis is a process that helps you understand what your competitors are doing right and wrong. It also allows you to identify their strengths and weaknesses to improve your business by leveraging their mistakes and capitalizing on their strengths.

When it comes to SEO, the value of competitor analysis is undeniable. If done right, it can help you find actionable insights about:

  1. Your competitors’ organic search traffic (keywords they’re ranking for);
  1. Their web presence (how they are optimizing their site);
  1. Their content marketing strategy (how they are promoting their content).

Analyzing your competitors’ sites will help you gain insights into how they perform in content, design, and functionality. You can then use these insights to improve your own website over time.

  1. Location-Based Marketing

Location-based marketing is one of the most important aspects of search engine optimization that you need to know about.

Location-based marketing is a process that allows businesses to target specific customers based on their location. This is done through GPS or other technologies that determine where a customer is located at any given time.

By leveraging this information, businesses can create more relevant and personalized content for their customers. This can be done through email marketing, social media marketing, or even text messaging. The goal is to make your business stand out to your target audience when they’re right in front of you. 

Note: Influencer marketing is one of the best strategies to take your location-based social media marketing to the next level. You can take advantage of a quality influencer marketplace like Ainfluenccer to find and connect with qualified local influencers in diffrent niches that can create, share, and even put your content in front of your target audience.
As we all know, social media has revolutionised the landscape of marketing and therefore plays an important role in event promotion and attendee engagement. Sharing the importance of event photography in real-time on social media helps to keep morale high and the momentum of the event going. Attendees can share these images to their social media accounts, raising awareness of the event and piquing the interest of more potential future attendees.

  1. Mobile-First Indexing

Mobile-first indexing is one of the SEO trends, and it’ll continue to be important in the future. Google has been rolling out mobile-first indexing since February 2019.

Mobile-first indexing means that Google will use your site’s mobile version as its primary content source when ranking pages and returning search results. If you have a responsive website, this shouldn’t affect you at all — but if your site isn’t responsive or your mobile version isn’t up-to-date, it could potentially cause problems. 

Some SEO experts believe this may be due to Google testing a new algorithm with some users before rolling out the update more widely across the globe. Others think it’s because Google is already using a form of mobile-first indexing for certain types of queries but not all of them yet.

But, It is advisable to make your website mobile-friendly & optimize your website for better performance.


In the end, the most important thing you can do is to stay ahead of the curve. The trends mentioned in this article are just a few examples of how the industry is changing, and many more will come.

The key to success will be staying on top of these trends and incorporating them into your own strategy. It’s also important that you understand what’s happening now and what’s coming down the line. That way, you’ll be ready for it when and if it happens.